22 May 2015

So It's Been a While/Daydreaming

So it's been months since I've written anything for this blog. When starting this my goal was to use it as a creative outlet I've never really explored before, improve my writing, keep a diary of sorts, and actually keep up with it. As school started that quickly moved to the back burner (more like the freezer). Anyway, I am going to try to keep writing occasionally but more than likely I'll only really post while on vacation. 

Moving on from that I thought I would talk about my brain. Specifically the daydreaming/story-telling part of my brain. I've tried to explain this to some friends before but it's a little odd. So when I go into a new place I always think about how the space would be used in a TV show, a movie, a musical, etc. I imagine how the scenes would be shot and what each part of the space would be used for specific moments. 

For example, the first time I went to my sister's apartment. The layout of the apartment is in a way where you can go in every room while making a circle through the apartment. And I thought about how this is perfect for a short film where there would be a one-take scene of a character walking through the entire apartment.

Another time when I was walking around campus with a couple of friends we came upon an area we've never explored before. There was some staggered concrete walls that you could walk on and I instantly thought, "this is where 'that' scene in a musical would happen, when there's some sort of rebellion and it's the rallying song that everyone sings in." I even showed them the blocking for each characters' solo in this made up song in this made up musical.

Now daydreaming is totally normal and I do it all the time. But I feel like this is a step up from daydreaming. It's just the amount of detail I instantly get to is a little weird. I mean I knew the apartment scene would be a short film not another musical or a movie, but a short film. I even like to imagine music videos even if the song already has a video. Honestly this is all very silly but I like it because I feel like I'm exercising the creative part of my brain. Maybe one day I'll actually write these scenes down, until then I will enjoy watching the scenes play out in my mind.