...well not really.
I wanted to write something about New Years Resolutions but it being almost the end of January this is poorly planned. Anyway I'm really not one to make resolutions, I never have before because 1) I couldn't really come up with a resolution and 2) I figured if I did have a resolution I would end up not doing it anyway. Really it's kind of bad that we wait until beginning of the year to start changing things in our lives. Shouldn't we just start when the idea comes instead of waiting? But in the process of coming up with resolutions for myself I see how it is a good excuse to jump start a change. And I know, my thoughts on resolutions are kind of random and are hard to explain.
Some people have resolutions that would really consume a lot of their lives, like a new diet or exercise regime, I don't think I could do anything like that because that would end up feeling like work and my resolutions don't need to be that life changing. My goal is just to try to keep up with these little things throughout the year, but not put a lot of pressure on it.
1) Write more often.
I have a very hard time getting myself to write things down, whether it's a journal, a list, or as we'll see a blog post. But I have a friend who finds that she can "connect the dots" in her head better when she writes out what she's thinking, and I agree. Writing stuff down really helps to organize my thoughts, the problem is I just get lazy about it. My friend has been encouraging me to keep a journal for a while now and I think I finally will. This also will be encouragement to keep writing here, as another form of a journal.
2) Be organized.
This kind of goes along with the first one. I'm terrible about writing down what needs to be done. I always forget to write in and/or check the planner throughout the week which inevitably leads to forgetting something (and being a college student this isn't a good practice). Being organized also includes organizing my time better. I'll admit that I don't use my time wisely and efficiently enough (I am also forever on foreigner time*). I'm going to try to work on getting up early, listing what needs to be done, and really planning out the day.
3) The stereotypical resolution: Be healthy.
Really what I mean by this is build up my strength because my arms have the strength of a T. rex. I also am easily winded by walking and talking up the stairs at the same time...So really I guess this resolution is work my way up to average human strength. I'm not looking to loose weight or anything, just to be able to lift heavy things...you know that'd be nice. I also just need a more balanced diet. Being in college this is hard because it's easy to go a few days on instant food which ends up with me having to consciously ask myself "have I had a real fruit or vegetable this week? I probably should eat an orange today."
The reason I ended up actually writing this is because I was with talking with some friends last night and none of us made resolutions...which for me is normal, but I know I've been meaning to do these things anyway so I'm calling it a resolution. My hope is that actually writing it down will hold me accountable for keeping up with it.
So I think that this blog in the end will just be a diary of my random thoughts because probably no one will be reading this. Even so I will write like there are readers somewhere out there (beneath the pale moonlight...An American Tail...no? no one? Oh yeah just me).
*foreigner time is what I call the clock foreigner's (or children of foreigner's) live on, at least an hour behind real time. Any person who reads this that is a foreigner or related to one knows what this is.
Welcome to a small part of the Internet world where random thoughts live. Still learning how to do this blogging thing and I don't know exactly what this will be yet...who will read this I don't know, but I hope it's interesting enough.
26 January 2014
01 January 2014
So for quite a while now I've been intending on starting a
blog. Even though I made this blog a while ago I've yet to actually write
anything and I figured today is as good as any to start. A few of my friends have been encouraging me to write and there are loads of people that have inspired me who are far
superior in writing than me. I am by no means great at grammar but I think I've really been needing some sort of personal project to work on (I've also been
debating starting a YouTube channel but that may never happen). Unfortunately I
find sitting down and writing pretty hard (this little post took me far too
long to have up by the end of today). I’m just looking forward to see what this
becomes even if no one reads it.
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